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Trump Uber Alles

America died on January 20, 2017 when Donald J Trump was sworn in.

His "election" was brought about through a conspiracy with Russia to poison American public opinion, spreading lies and falsehoods and creating a false narrative, combined with forcing the FBI and then-director James Comey to break policy and speak about an on-going investigation which ultimately cleared HIllary Clinton. The Electoral College, knowing the role of Russia in influencing the outcome of this election, overlooked Hillary's 3+ million vote majority, Trump's criminality going back decades including links with organized crime, and his overall lack of fitness for office and rubber-stamped his election, failing in the one instance in our history where the EC needed to be more than a rubber stamp.

What we have seen since is mob rule, that the entire GOP is either complicit in this plot to destroy this country in order that they may maintain power and profit from their office or they are spinelessly complicit, afraid to speak out because (again) they fear the Trump mob and getting voted out.

Between the Electoral College's failure and Congress's (read: GOP) failure to do their duty and reign in an out-of-control "president", our country is no more. Maybe it can be restored in the future but I doubt it. As Bill Maher put it on "Real Time" this past week, let's assume Mueller comes out with his reporter detailing Trump's many many crimes up to and including treason. Does anyone thing Jeff Sessions is going to refer the matter for prosecution? Even if the Dems take control of the House and vote to impeach, it then has to go to the Senate and no way in the world will there be a 2/3 vote to also impeach and it's not because they think Trump is innocent-- it's because of politics. It gives me no joy to write this. Exactly the opposite. If not for the fact that my mother and father are up there in years and I need to be here for them, I would flee this rancid shithole country with all its morons, gun-humpers, bible-thumpers, and haters. The IDEA of democracy and freedom are quite nice, but ultimately those things rely too heavily upon the basic decency of people and as we now see, that is a losing bet.

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