Undoing the neglect
Oh my.... So I set up this website and let's just say I am not very good at caring for and nurturing things. My attempts at plants failed miserably and it is small wonder I can care for myself and my cats.
Anywho, I was out at Book Expo America here in NYC street-pimping my works and passing out my card and realized I had this site on my cards. Ordinarily I use Twitter to do my social media stuff but, well, the Twitters did not like and in fact TOTALLY misinterpreted this Twitter response as a direct threat upon the woman with the title of Press Secretary to the President (barf, gag) and permanently booted me from the Twitters. I suppose I could have mocked someone for crying while discussing how family members were exterminated by Hitler or threatening wars that would kill tens of millions and that would have been o-tay....

So this made me look at this site again and think "dear fuckin' gawds, this is totally outdated!!! I must make new and shiny again!!!" So here we are. My most recent work, Fired And Furries, has been added, and I have a renewed sense of purpose to pay more attention to this site and give you, the reader, more content and more win.