-Gonzo Disciple Political Pundit Photographer-
Steve Zakszewski

New England born and bred, I'm now a resident of Brooklyn where I hunker down with my cats Piersich & Kaos and churn out my writings. I finished American Loser during a residency at the infamous House of Yes in Williamsburg and now write out of my apartment in Bensonhurst.
Additionally, I was the chief political writer for Billy Boy and drew upon my knowledge of history and of following politics going back to Nixon and the early 70s. I have managed to get myself banned from Twitter for being overly abusive to the current crop of 4th Reichers but I not only refuse to "throw roses for Hitler", I throw "rocks" AT them. Fuck Trump.
I was deeply influenced by the writings of Irvine Welsh, Hunter S Thompson, and William Shakespeare. I was fortunate to have great writing teachers, Paul Blair (now deceased) at Hillsborough-Deering High School and Thylias Moss at UNH. (now UMichigan/Ypsilanti) They both encouraged my wild deranged imagination and egged me on to greater heights-- or lower depths, depending on your perspective.
In addition to writing and politics, I am and will always be a huge Boston sports fan-- Sox, Bruins, Celts, and Pats, love great BBQ (LC's in KC is the best!), and love great beer.